If you were handed a ticket to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Wouldn't that be an awesome surprise to get? The little girl in my children's book gets this chance but with three different tickets. So awesome, eh?
While we were in the midst of our international travels, I had a children's book idea. It was all inspired by one white pup we met in Bali. Her name is Putih (Poo-tee). I was still writing the travel guide How to Buy a Campervan in New Zealand at the time, so when it was done I jumped on this children's book idea.
Well, it turns out, the little girl decides to go to three countries I've never been to before. So, I've had to do some research on these places.
Photo by Leo Rivas- Micoud from unsplash.com
I don't want to spoil the story, because I think it'll be a fun book for you to read. To know when it's ready, you can sign up here and I'll keep you posted:)
It's been so much fun writing it! I've learned some fun facts I never knew.
While some friends are reading the next draft and I'm waiting for their feedback, I want to share these fun facts I've learned this week. Maybe they'll shock you, too!
10 fun facts about our world- did you know these?
1. English is not the most spoken language in the world.
Kanji by Niketh Vellanki from unsplash.com. Kanji is a form of Japanese writing with Chinese characters.
What? I know! It's terrible that was my assumption. English is actually the third most spoken language. There are two languages spoken more than English. Guess which ones. The second most is Spanish. The first is Mandarin! Makes sense with populations.
2. Did you know India has six seasons instead of four?
Photo by Tim Gouw from unsplash.com
I never thought having more seasons than spring, summer, autumn and winter was an option. India has an extra season between summer and autumn: monsoon season. They also have another season between autumn and winter, the pre-winter season called Hemant Ritu.
3. Did you know in Spain, they don't have the tooth fairy- they have a tooth mouse!
Photo from unsplash.com
His name is Ratoncito Perez. He's a Little Mouse that exchanges your teeth for a gift. I don't know how I'd feel imaging a mouse with a long tail jumping under my pillow in the middle of the night. However, I don't know if the kids put their teeth under the pillow. Anyone know?
Photo by James Douglas on unsplash.com
4. In India, toe rings are a symbol of marriage.
We have a "finger ring" as a sign of marriage. In India, toe rings are the symbol where they're worn on the second toe of both feet. Girls who aren't married don't wear toe rings. Interesting! I think it's cool! Source.
5. Did you know the Amazon Rain Forest creates one third of the earth's oxygen + holds one fifth of the earth's fresh water reserves?
I had no idea either. We gotta protect that space. It helps us all. Source.
Photo by Eutah Mizushima from unsplash.com
6. Did you know Brazil holds the most species of monkeys in the world?
Me either! I would expect it to be somewhere in Asia. Source.
Photo by Joshua Stitt from unsplash.com
Photo by Toa Heftiba on unsplash.com
7. If you like throwing your peanuts on the floor at Texas Roadhouse, you'll love going to Spain!
It's customary for people to throw their food down on the ground at restaurants. The dirtier the floor usually means the better the food! More people eating= more food on the floor. Source.
8. The lowest temperature ever recorded was -128.5 F in Antarctica.
Can you imagine the cold? Yikes! Source.
Photo by Bethany Legg from unsplash.com
9. The average thickness of Antarctica's ice is one mile deep!
Whoa! That's 5,280 feet deep. Now that's thick ice! Source.
10. My all time favorite fun fact: why can't penguins fly?
I'll give you a second to guess.
Their bones are solid instead of hollow like other birds. They're too heavy to fly!
Source: I learned this interning at the Georgia Aquarium.
Photo by Eamonn Maguire from unsplash,com
So, you can guess which countries my character travels to:) That's spoiled. But, it's the awesome #nuventures she has in each country that makes the story so special! To know when the books ready, you can sign up here and I'll keep you posted:)
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